How to connect your Kraken wallet to Diamond Pigs

How to connect your Kraken wallet to Diamond Pigs

You need to have a Pro Account on Kraken to proceed with Diamond Pigs. To upgrate your Kraken account you can follow this article .

1.  Navigate to Kraken API management

You now need to navigate to the API management screen at Kraken.
You can find "API" management by first switching to the "Kraken Pro" interface and then select "Settings" below your user icon at the top of your screen (as shown below) or by navigating to

You will now see:

2. Create Kraken API key

Now select the button to create a new API key. Now go back to Diamond Pigs page and copy the IP adress shown on the screen. Paste the IP adress in the form exactly as shown below, in the field "IP Address restriction":

Once you click the "Generate key" you may need to validate this action using your 2FA authenticator:

3. Copy Kraken API key

Use the copy icons (indicated in green) to copy both the "API Key" and the "Private Key" values in the fields below.

Always use the copy icons (indicated in green) to copy both the API key and Secret key values from Bitvavo into the fields below:

4. Paste the API keys in Diamond Pigs and Test Key to validate it. 

Once your wallet is connected you can move on to select your strategy and manage your portfolio. 

For further assistance please contact us at