How to connect your Bitvavo wallet to Diamond Pigs

How to connect your Bitvavo wallet to Diamond Pigs

           1. Navigate to Bitvavo API management

You now need to navigate to the API management screen at Bitvavo. You can find "API" below the user icon or by navigating to:

             2. Create a new API key

Then select the option to create a new API key and fill in the form as shown below.
Go back to Diamond Pigs page and copy the IP adress shown on the screen. Paste the IP adress in the

Warning: Please use dots (.) instead of commas (,) on the Bitvavo screen for entering the IP address.

  • Add name : Diamond Pigs 
  • Make sure to add the whitelist address (you will find it on Diamond Pigs page),
  • Turn on only the 2 options :
    • View information
    • Trade digital assets 
  • The last option (withdraw assets) should remain not activated. 

Diamond Pigs will never withdraw assets from your wallet. All your assets remain stored in your wallet on the exchange. DP is only trading them on your behalf - that’s why we need  the API connection. 

                   3. Copy the API key and Secret Key from Bitvavo 

Always use the copy icons (indicated in green) to copy both the API key and Secret key values from Bitvavo into the fields below:

and paste them on the Diamond Pigs onboarding screen: 

                         5. Activate your API key 

Once the API keys are generated  you will receive an email from Bitvavo to activate your API keyGo to your email and activate the API Key by clicking on the link sent to you by Bitvavo.
Once you do that and the API key is activated you can go back to Diamond Pigs page and test your connection.

                        6. Test your settings on DP and you are all set. 

You can continue with your setup by turning your management on and selecting a strategy. 

You might also want to have a look at this article to see how to resolve the most common errors when trying to connect the API keys. 

For further assistance please contact