What Is Wallet Rebalancing?
Rebalancing means adjusting your crypto portfolio, so it matches the coins included in your chosen strategy. When you change a strategy, Diamond Pigs will automatically start rebalancing your wallet to reflect the coins included in the portfolio of the selected strategies.
Over time, as some coins gain or lose value, your portfolio may drift away from your target balance. Rebalancing brings it back to this target by selling coins that have grown too much and buying more of those that have decreased, helping keep your portfolio on track with your goals.
To minimize trading fees, we only rebalance when the changes pass a certain threshold.
What Happens When I Switch Strategies?
When you switch to a different strategy, your portfolio rebalances to match the new strategy. This involves buying and selling coins to align with the new strategy. Frequent switching can sometimes result in buying a coin one day and selling it the next if the strategies differ. It’s best to pick a strategy you trust and stick with it for optimal performance.
How Does Wallet Rebalancing Work with Multiple Strategies?
For wallets with more than 4000$ we allow the option to choose more than one strategy.
You will assign a certain allocation percentage to each strategy, so each strategy has its own share of your wallet. The rebalancing process aims to keep these shares as close as possible to your targets, even as the value of different strategies changes. This may require more trades to keep each strategy’s portion accurate.